This is a course of study in the practice and theories of Esthetics and Manicuring. We are dedicated to professional excellence in the field of Esthetics through our CIDESCO Accreditation, and we emphasize and support teaching excellence and growth of the industry through professional performance. The content of the course is taught over a period of ten months, approximately 38 weeks. Classes are held Wednesday through Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The course is a full time program for a minimum of 1125 clock hours.
Merrell University is a qualified Comite International Desthetique Et De Cosmetologie (CIDESCO) International School and is one of eleven located in the United States and one of just over two hundred in the world. CIDESCO is the world’s major international beauty therapy association. It was founded in 1946 with its head office located in Zurich, Switzerland. CIDESCO is represented in over 33 countries and a CIDESCO diploma is the world’s most prestigious qualification in the field of esthetics and beauty therapy. . By completion of the Esthetics program, Esthetics students will need an additional 75 hours in order to meet CIDESCO’s minimum of 1200 hours.(Merrell University will provide these additional hours for no extra cost) To read more about the CIDESCO training, click here.
Tuition prices are subject to change without notice.
Merrell University is a Pivot Point Member School – CLICK HERE to learn more about this exclusive and internationally acclaimed educational system available to our students.
Merrell University students learn by observing demonstrations, audio-visual aids, attending lectures on a wide range of subjects and with actual hands-on practical techniques. Upon completion of the course, students will have acquired the technical abilities and academic theories that meet the requirements of the Missouri State Board of Cosmetology. After obtaining licensure, Merrell University offers assistance with job placement in an entry-level position. Classes are held Wednesday through Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. with a 30-minute lunch period.
College Navigator is a free consumer information tool designed to help students, parents, high school counselors, and others get information about over 7000 colleges from the US Department of Education’s database. CLICK HERE to learn more about Merrell University.